Inspírame Mujer: Rosa Cardenas

Rosa Cardenas is the Founder and CEO of Blush Boutique. She launched her brand in the midst of the recession. Where others saw a gloomy economy, Cardenas saw an opportunity to reinvent herself. This is her story.

Photo Elena Thornton
I founded Blush Boutique when the house market crashed. As a successful Interior Designer I realized and understood that due to the house market crash, I wouldn’t be able to practice in my field. My clients were downsizing and some lost their homes, jobs and money. I had to quickly reinvent myself and find a way to do something that I still loved. I have always had a passion for fashion. I loved textiles and wanted to stay as close to that as possible. I decided to open up a small boutique that would carry unique items and have a very French provincial aesthetic. My purpose for opening the brick and mortar store was to slow me down a bit. I’d open and close everyday and the pace of it all would be calm.
I quickly realized that wasn’t going to be the case. I was asked to style private clients and produce fashion shows. I began to built an amazing team that can provide any service needed for the fashion shows and for my clients. This lead to many opportunities that allowed Blush to morph into something very different than the original idea. I’ve been fortunate to style some local powerhouses. I have been able to speak on radio & TV about what I love, fashion.
I also speak to students that are a part of the Fashion Program at ASU and in the Digital Marketing Program. My journey has taken me through peaks and valleys. It’s allowed me to appreciate the journey and the many people that have helped me get through the tough times and who have celebrated with me my triumphs. I’m thankful for the opportunities that have been given to me by people who believe in me.
Who has influenced your life the most?
I have been fortunate to be surrounded by people who have only wanted to see me succeed. The people who have impacted my life has been my parents. They have taught me work ethic and resilience. My mom taught me humility and how to be a strong latina. My dad instilled in me to never give up on my dreams and not to take no for an answer. My cousin Lupe, who passed away from ovarian cancer was my protector. She was always with me and would pick me right up when I was down. My life was impacted I’m many ways when she passed away. Without my parents unconditional love & support. I wouldn’t be who I am now.
What are your proudest achievements?
In my personal life my biggest and most important accomplishment has been to be a mother. I have been blessed with two amazing kids who are now young adults. As a mother it’s amazing to see their growth as human beings. When they reach each milestone in their life. I thank God I’m able to see it.
In my professional life my biggest accomplishment has been to run my family business that we have had since 1982 and see it grow. This allowed me to start a brick and mortar retail/service boutique.
Who inspires you?
My mother inspires me. She has taught me how to be resilient and to never give up. To see the opportunity in anything that comes my way. She has been my rock & confidant. She continued to inspire me on how to balance family and business.
What advice would you give someone pursuing a career in what you do?
The advice I would give someone pursuing a career in the fashion/retail industry would be to be open to change and not to take things personally. I would tell them to not focus on the door that closes but rather to keep moving forward in search of their open door. That every up and down is a reason to celebrate because of the growth they are going through. Get educated on their field. Do the research and Stay laser focused.
What makes an inspiring woman?
To me an inspiring is a woman who is resilient under any circumstance. A woman who sees the opportunity and isn’t afraid to take the leap. She wears her super hero cape and flies. A woman that has no limits on herself and dreams big regardless if anyone else believes in her dream. An inspiring woman is a woman who is a woman who is willing to share her knowledge with other women. A women who celebrates another woman success. An inspiring woman is a woman who isn’t afraid to fail and share her failures with others in order to help them not go through the same situation.
Tell us five things no one knows about you?
- I love salsa dancing. I took a salsa class in college and fell in love. It’s something about the music and the environment that allows your soul to travel in the moment. Its so magical.
- I was born in Zacatecas, Mexico. I was brought to the US when I was 2yrs old. My mom came to the US with $800 and the clothes on our back.
- I’m a domestic violence survivor. I don’t hide that part of my life because it kicked my survival mode into gear. It showed me how strong I am and how much I love my kids. It also help me realize what is acceptable and unacceptable in a relationship. I grew up in a household where my parents worked together and build together. I realized that not everyone is raised the same and not everyone has the same perspective on love.
- I’m an interior designer. I have an over 20 years experience as an interior designer. Interior design is my passion. I love textiles, colors, patterns. I love home fashion and it bridged my love for high fashion.
- I’m addicted to vintage clothing & thrift shopping. I love bringing the old fashion and make it current. I love sale items.
Sandra Munoz
Sandra Munoz is the creator of, an inspired Lifestyle and Automotive blog with Latina flair, and the first and only Hispanic automotive journalist in Arizona. As the founder of Latinaology, she has the opportunity to collaborate with the most incredible automotive, travel, food, health, beauty, and entertainment brands.
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